Metal Ox | Chinese Zodiac 5 Elements Series | by Grace Noel Art


Metal Ox | Chinese Zodiac 5 Elements Series | by Grace Noel Art

from $20.00

Artwork comes with a certificate of of authenticity issued by Grace Noel Art

Glossy HP photo PAPER PRINT: 8.5” x 11” with cardboard backing in a print sleeve.

Original Artwork (commissions available!): drawing is burned into wood with acrylic paint, gloss clear gel medium, and oil paint on wood panel 8” x 10” x 1.5”

Description: The Chinese Zodiac 5 Elements Series is based on the elements of metal, water, wood, fire, and earth which exist both in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Astrology. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the 5 elements are used to diagnose the body and identify treatments. For Chinese Astrology, the 5 elements provide characteristics to the 12 zodiac signs (in order from beginning to end): 1. Rat 2. Ox 3. Tiger 4. Rabbit 5. Dragon 6. Snake 7. Horse 8. Ram 9. Monkey 10. Rooster 11. Dog 12. Pig. Metal is always worth money! The metal element attracts monetary wealth, is rigid but also flexible, and transformative! The Year 2021 is the sign of the Metal Ox, meaning hard work and discipline will payoff in 2021. The Ox is the second sign of the Zodiac and comes after the sign of the rat. Next year sets the foundation for the remaining 10 years and remaining 10 signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

How do you know which sign you are? Scroll through the images and find the sheet with the birth years and Chinese Zodiac signs! Grace also offers professional astrology readings in Chinese and Solar astrology for $2 per minute or $110 an hour with rates. Request a reading by messaging Grace on social media or emailing:

Payment Plan Option: Please contact to request a plan that will help you complete your purchase in 2 or 3 easy payments! Grace absolutely wants to make your dreams come true and is excited to work with you!

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